Nuestra Señora del Carmen – La Limpia of Cebu : The Purest Flower of Cebu

Nuestra Señora del Carmen – La Limpia de Cebu

Cebu – the Bastion of the Catholic faith in the country, home and throne of the famed Santo Niño de Cebu and other popular venerated and crowned Marian images in the country. One of the most distinct and miraculous is that of Nuestra Señora del Carmen – La Limpia of Cebu City which gained a reputation of being miraculous and the focal point of the Brown Scapular devotion in Visayas and Mindanao.

The image

Nuestra Señora del Carmen – La Limpia de Cebu

The image of Nuestra Señora del Carmen – La Limpia is a seated image of Our Lady of Mount Carmel venerated at her Parish in Cebu City. The image presents her gazing sweetly to the Child Jesus who sits at her lap. The Child Jesus on the other hand faces the beholder with His right hand is raised in gesture of blessing while the other is holding a Brown Scapular.

The image sits on a cloud-like throne set on a base as if the Mother and Child looking over her faithful children. The Virgin wears the Carmelite habit with the brown robe the white cape, the Brown Scapular of the religious and a lace veil. The Child Jesus on the other hand wears a white robe.


The original bas relief image of La Inmaculada Conception that was saved from the demolition of the old church edifice where the current structure of the Parish to Our Lady of Mount Carmel – Recoletos

The Parish of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel traced back its foundation as early as 1621 when the Augustinian Recollects Friars set foot in Cebu. Bishop Pedro Arce gave them a place outside the walls of the city, with a small chapel initially dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In the early 1700’s, the image was initially an image of the Immaculate Conception or “La Limpia Concepcion” in Cebu since the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception was not yet declared at that time until 1854. The devotion to La Limpia Concepcion became known with the image of the parish and the relief image at the facade of the old Church which also gained a miraculous reputation.

The Old Main altar with the image of La Limpia enthroned

When the devotion to the Immaculate Conception was adopted by the Cebu Cathedral in the 1800’s, the patroness and the image was renamed as “Nuestra Señora del Carmen” (possibly taking a queue to the success of the devotion to Nuestra Señora del Carmen of San Sebastian in Manila) and she became a focal point of the Brown Scapular devotion in the Visayas and Mindanao. The image would later be considered as the oldest image of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Cebu. The name “La Limpia” was appended to this image to pay homage to the origins of the parish with the devotion to the Immaculate Conception.

Later in 1964, the old Recoletos Church was torn down and gave way to the construction of a more spacious and modern church that could accommodate more pilgrims. The Church was formally declared as a parish under the patronage of Nuestra Señora del Carmen on January 1, 1971.

Ecclesiastical Acclamation

The Solemn Episcopal Coronation of Nuestra Señora del Carmen – La Limpia of Cebu

In line with the celebration of the 50th Founding Anniversary of the Parish and the 400th Anniversary of the Recollect Presence in Cebu, in 2021, the image of Nuestra Señora del Carmen – La Limpia was approved to receive the honor of Episcopal Coronation. As part of preparations for the said coronation, the image underwent restoration and the image was enthroned back to her altar on December 8, 2021.

The image went on an “Illis” or tour around Cebu City in preparation for her Episcopal Coronation. The Coronation rites took place on January 8, 2022, in the presence of numerous devotees and parishioners.

The procession of Nuestra Señora del Carmen – La Limpia of Cebu at the Cebu-Cordova Link Expressway Bridge (CCLEX) after the elevation of her Parish as an Archdiocesan Shrine.

On April 29, 2022, the Parish of Nuestra Señora del Carmen – La Limpia of Cebu was elevated to the status of the Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel – La Limpia. On that day, after the elevation rites, the image of the Virgin went on a procession at the Cebu-Cordova Link Expressway Bridge (CCLEX) – the first public road activity on the newly established bridge.

The devotion at present

Nuestra Señora del Carmen – La Limpia de Cebu wearing her Episcopal Coronation regalia

The devotion to Nuestra Señora del Carmen – La Limpia of Cebu is a devotion in progress from its origins. Miracles were reported through her intercession and the Brown Scapular became wide known in the Visayas and Mindanao, just like what the Recollect friars did in Luzon centuries ago before the actual Carmelites arrived during the Post Spanish Era.

Her Feast day, July 16, is well attended with devotees to honor the Lady of the Brown Scapular. The devotion thrives as there are devotees that are faithful to wearing her livery. In this time of uncertainty, let us place our lives and confidence to Our Blessed Mother by wearing her Brown Scapular with the resolution to emulate her virtues, not as an amulet.

Nuestra Señora del Carmen – La Limpia de Cebu, pray for us!


Bo, Frie, “Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish, Cebu City” Retrieved from on December 28, 2021.
“Timeline of history of our Patroness”, Retrieved from on December 20, 2021.


Ricaplaza, Nikko Marc Abadiano of Vestuario Sagrado
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish-Recoletos Cebu Facebook Page

1 Comment

  1. Daniel Miscal says:

    What is the day of nuestra senora del Carmen la limpia when we pray her devotion


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