Servant of God Amador Tajanlangit Sr. – The Apostle of the Virgen de Barangay

Servant of God Amador Tajanlangit, Sr.

Our world today is filled with numerous influencers and figures that many people of today look up to, whether they are good role models or otherwise. This kind of culture is proven to be a two-edge sword in our current society that is both unifying and divisive.

But God works in mysterious ways, he would raise someone to respond to the call to face the challenge of the times to lead more souls to him. One such person is a layman who worked tirelessly in making the Blessed Mother known to the peripheries in response to her call for prayer and conversion.

Early Life

Servant of God Amador Tajanlangit, Sr.

Amador M. Tajanlangit, Sr. was born in the town of Miag-ao, Iloilo on April 30, 1911. His parents were Clasico F. Tajanlangit and Maria A. Mueda. The eldest of the nine children, he grew up in their hometown in Miag-ao Elementary School and completed his studies both high school and college studies in the University of San Agustin.

As a child, he was a very jolly person and had a certain passion to make people happy in any way he could in order to ease people’s pain and sadness. As a young boy he began to exhibit his gifts of being a ventriloquist – a person who can speak or utter sounds so that they seem to come from somewhere else for entertainment that he used to get the attention of his playmates to tell them stories of the different lives of saints. He would also held film showing on the lives of the saints and make rosaries out puyas, a local seed, that he would give them away to anyone when he had an opportunity.

As he grew up, he had a very good outlook in life that he was never known to get angry. He had always an understanding heart willing to forgive easily. He was a very kind and compassionate man that is always ready to help people even if he did not know them. He was later married to Angeles O. Ledesma and settled in Jaro with their five children. He was a very gentle, kind, understanding husband and father to his children that there was never a moment that the children saw their parents quarrelled and did not resort to violence in disciplining their children.

His love to the Blessed Mother

Virgen de Barangay

His devotion and zeal to make known the Blessed Mother to anyone is so outstanding that from childhood up to his last breath, he would always make people understand the importance of praying the Holy Rosary and devotion to Her. He had ready rosaries to give away when needed.

During the 2nd World War, Brother Amador asked the Blessed Mother a favor that should he and the whole family survive this war, he would dedicate himself to serve God and the Blessed Mother. True to his promise, he began to enter into the apostolic work.

The Apostle of the Virgin

The Servant of God Amador Tajanlangit, Sr. visiting the people for his apostolate

He began his lifetime apostolate after his visit in Lipa, Batangas at the height of the supposed Marian apparitions in a Discalced Carmelite Monastery in 1948. He was deeply impressed on the message on the importance of the Holy Rosary and making it known to the world and the importance of the message of Our Lady of Fatima that he decided to be more agressive and more passionate in propagating the Fatima messages.

According to his colleagues, his exemplary love and service to the Blessed Mother would make him go to places not even reached by priests or even politicians in the province. He had a very eloquent, soothing and warm voice that would easily make people who hears him feel a certain intimate and depth of love for God and the Blessed Mother.

He organized the Barangay sang Virhen in the remote areas that he visited and always begin his meetings with praying the Holy Rosary. His dedication in the service and love of our Mother was imprinted in the very hearts of his listeners. Many followed him to inspire others, including criminals and rebels to change their lives for the better. Criminals and rebels were not exempted from his convincing words to abandon sin. Massive conversions were found as he travelled the road of saving souls. His eloquence captured many people to join him in devoting themselves to work also for the glory of God and the good of souls.

Servant of God Amador Tajanlangit Sr.

His love for his work knows no bound. He continues to work wherever he is needed. With or without roads, he travels to places even impossible to reach by ordinary transportation to continue his evangelization.

His love of God and the Blessed Mother was so great that one witness asked him, how much do you love the Blessed Mother? Then he answered, “My love for Her is as deep as the ocean depth and infinite as the universe can be.”

He also ventured on local media to his apostolate that every 2:30 to 3:00 in the morning he wakes up to prepare himself for the 4:00 radio program daily. People would listen to him and wakes their children to join the prayer with Bro. Amador.

His return to the Father

On March 9, 1977, after years of dedication of his apostolate, Brother Amador died of a heart failure. It is reported that was a triple rainbow that was found to be present when his coffin was brought out from the Jaro Cathedral. A fine drizle was felt to pour on the people who joined the procession going to the cemetery. There were about approximately 10,00 people who attended his funeral.

Extraordinary Miracles in his lifetime

Servant of God Amador Tajanlangit Sr.

In the course of his life, there were reported miracles that occured with his help. During the later part of the Second World War, he was able to save a boy who was about to be beheaded by the Japanese. Bro. Amador taught the boy a simple and short prayer to use when in times of emergency. He told him to pray from his heart, “Oh Blessed Mother, please help me!” After his father was beheaded the boy was next to die but after he shouted with all his heart this short prayer, a telephone call was received by the head of the military and ordered him to stop the beheading of the boy and set him free.

Another miracle was when his Brother Eddie was about to go into a covert military operation to meet the rebel leader of the People’s Army Against the Japanese (HUK). His brother told him that it will take a miracle for him to come back alive from that operation. Brother Amador gave him a rosary and a crucifix. He told him to go ahead with the operation and he told his brother to pray the holy rosary and that he will pray for them too. Trully the expected fight happened during the meeting of the central committee of the rebels. Several gun shots were poured to his brother and his companion. The nine rebels all died and only his brother and companion survived with 9 bullet holes found on all sides his brother’s jacket.

After his death, several recorded miracles were recorded from cures from on illnesses and even near death due to accidents that was spared were also attributed to him. When stopping fire to spread in the field of crops, where water is very far and impossible to get, the people asked for his help to stop the fire. In just a few minutes a dark cloud appeared like a large mat in the sky and down came the heavy rain that quenched the fire to nothingness and alas, the couple who cried for help was found dry even at the midst of the heavy rainfall.

The Cause for beatification and canonization

On August 2014, during the Year of the Laity declared by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, Most Rev. Archbp. Angel Lagdameo of Jaro together with The Friends of Amador M. Tajanlangit Sr. and director of the Jaro Archdiocesan Commission on the Laity, Father Joenick Territorio, formally opened his cause for beatification earning him the title within the Catholic Church as “Servant of God.”

The Legacy of Brother Amador

Servant of God Amador M. Tajanlangit Sr.

A man worth emulating, especilaly in our times, it seems that his lifetime was not enough for him in helping people as he continues to help people in their temporal and spiritual needs. Above all, he had a special vocation most especially to the Filipino people in the fulfillment of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

As we conclude this blogpost, we are sharing to you the prayer for the cause of his beatification and canonization to ask Our Lord to raise to the altars a remarkable Apostle of the Blessed Mother:

Dearest Heavenly Father, We ask Thee to make us holy as Thou hast made your servant Amador Tajanlangit, Sr. holy. We pray that the time shall come when the Holy Mother Church will recognize his heroic virtues and elevate him to the altar of sainthood. We ask Thee for this favor (state your request)

May the intercession of Thy servant Amador Tajanlangit, Sr. accompany our prayers for Thy glory, The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the good of our souls, through Christ Thy Son, our Lord. Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be


“Please pray for the Cause of Canonization of Amador M. Tajanlangit Sr., An Alumnus of University of San Agustin”, Retrieved from on March 9, 2022.

The Friends of Amador M. Tajanlangit, Sr., “Biography of Amador M. Tajanlangit, Sr. An Exemplary Devotee of the Blessed Mother”, Iloilo


Friends of Servant of God Amador Tajanlangit Sr.
University of San Agustin, Iloilo Official Website

For more information about the Servant of God Amador Tajanlangit Sr., and for favors granted through his intercession, Please contact the following numbers:
Tel. No. (033) 5013886 Cell No.: 09156323402 / 09295518748
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