From Filipinas to España: The Journey of Maria Santisima del Sagrario of Malaga

Maria Santisima del Sagrario of Malaga

Spain and the Philippines as we all know have had a very long historical and cultural relationship for ages. Spanish influences in every aspect of Filipino culture are still alive and visible. One such distinct influence that is still alive in both cultures is the Catholic faith, particularly the passionate devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

It is no surprise that an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be a symbol of the shared history and faith between the two nations – the image of Maria Santisima del Sagrario of Malaga, Spain. A proudly Filipino-made image paying homage to its Spanish roots gained the attention of the faithful of both nations as a living memorial of the fifth centenary of the Catholic faith that La Madre España brought to Las Islas Filipinas.

The image

Maria Santisima del Sagrario of Malaga

The magnificent image of Maria Santisima del Sagrario is a beautifully made image of Our Lady Sorrows carved in Pampanga by Mr. Willy Tadeo Layug. The image follows the canons of Andalusian neo-Baroque sculpture, with a strong Cordovan influence for the sculptor was influenced by the works of Francisco Romero Zafra. Her face was shown with the accused naturalism that shows her painful crying with tears running down the Virgin’s cheeks. The image’s head was made to have a slight turn of the neck that turns the Virgin’s gaze to her left. She is also presented with open hands on the chest, a gesture typical of the Hellenistic “pathos” and perpetuated by Hispanic imagery. Finally, the image of the Virgin was left with an imprint of its Filipino roots with a certain tear in the eyes which gives it a subtle orientalizing air.

The Virgen del Sagrario is also presented with numerous jewels and ex-votos given by the Malageños and Filipinos, including a rosary, a cross, and a brooch with his name on it, and a pin of the two flags of Spain and the Philippines on the saya of the Virgin. A precious relic was also encased in the image, a piece of wood touched to the image of Santo Niño de Cebu given by Philippine Bishops to the image as a constant reminder of the Virgin’s origins.

From Malaga to Filipinas

Maria Santisima del Sagrario of Malaga in St. James the Great Parish in Betis, Pampanga before her voyage to Spain

The Grupo de Fieles de Nuestro Padre Jesus de la Verdad ante Caiaphas y Maria Santisima del Sagrario and its designer, Alvaro Fernandez, based in the Parish of San Jose Obrero in Carranque, Malaga, Spain wanted to commission a new image of the Virgin to replace an older one for the veneration of the faithful and the Hermandad.

However, one of the fundamental requirements for the new image was that the green color of her eyes will be maintained, as a link with the primitive image. A remarkable aspect of the title of the “Virgen del Sagrario” it references the title of the Patroness of the City of Toledo which presides at the main altar of the Cathedral of Toledo since the fourteenth century.

Maria Santisima del Sagrario and Nuestro Padre Jesus de la Verdad ante Caiaphas venerated at Carranque, Malaga, Spain

The Fieles chose the Presidential Merit Awardee Mr. Willy Tadeo Layug, a well known Filipino religious art sculptor, who was trained in the workshops of José Antonio Navarro Arteaga of Seville and Francisco Romero Zafra of Córdoba (both in Spain) and himself a member of a Spanish Hermandad that participates in the colorful Andalusian Holy Week.

The head and the hands of the image was carved in his workshop in Pampanga and it was done free of charge as he wished that the image will be the gift of the Filipino nation to Spain in celebration of the 500 Years of Christianity in the Philippines.

A journey to her abode

Maria Santisima del Sagrario de Malaga on the day of the formal blessing of the image

The head and hands of the image were blessed at St. James Parish in Betis, Pampanga on February 29, 2020 and a despedida was held a few days later at the same Parish. An Encasement rite follows of the tindalo de Carcar wood in the bust and blessing of the image by Archbishop Florentino “Dong” Lavarias, Archbishop Emeritus Paciano “Apu Ceto” Aniceto and parish priest Fr. Rao de los Santos.

The tindalo de Carcar wood was part of a relic made to touch the original Santo Niño de Cebu image. Caloocan Bishop Pablo Virgilio David, a native of Betis, helped Layug request Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma to provide the relic.

Maria Santisima del Sagrario of Malaga

The head and hands of the image was sent to Spain. When the image arrived in Spain in June 2020, the image was sent to the workshop of Sevillan imaginero Alvaro Flores Rojas. The new image of Virgen del Sagrario was supposedly slated for a solemn blessing in 202 yet it was postponed when the global pandemic hit the world.

When the global situation seemed to improve after almost a year, the solemn blessing of the image finally took place on March 13, 2021 led by Rev. Fr. Salvador Guerro Cuevas, Parish Priest of the Carranque Parish in Malaga, Spain. The event was attended by members and officers of the Grupo Proquial de Padre Jesus dela Verdad ante Caifas y Maria Santisima del Sagrario and members of the Filipino community in Malaga and the Philippine Consulate in Spain.

The Solemn blessing fittingly coincided with the national celebration of the 500 Years of Christianity in the Philippines and such gesture comes to a full circle with the long history of the Catholic faith in the country.

The devotion

Maria Santisima del Sagrario of Malaga on her pallo

The devotion to Maria Santisima del Sagrario of Malaga grew rapidly to in her abode in Malaga, Spain as soon as the image was introduced. She captivated the Spanish faithful with her Uncion Sagrada that inspired pious devotion to her.

This beautiful Marian image stands in as a modern day perpetual reminder of the shared history , Catholic faith and good diplomatic relations between the Philippines and Spain. As we about to conclude our celebrations of the 500 Years of Christianity in the Philippines, let us not forget our roots and to cherish and defend our Catholic faith that shaped our history and culture in the face of historical and cultural distortion that challenge us today.


Flora, Ian, “Artist donates religious image to Spain” Retrieved from on April 1, 2022.
Flora, Ian, “Kapampangan-made Marian icon formally blessed in Spain”, Retrieved from on March 31,2022.
Leiva, Jose Manuel, “España y Filipinas se reencuentran, obra de Willy Tadeo Layug para Malaga” La Hornacina, 2021, Retrieved on April 4, 2022.


Dispû 1571 : Centro Catolico Pampanga
Grupo de Fieles de Nuestro Padre Jesus de la Verdad ante Caiaphas y Maria Santisima del Sagrario, Malaga, Spain
Parroquia de San Jose Obrero, Malaga, Spain

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