Our Lady of the Atonement of Baguio City – The Queen of Baguio City

Our Lady of the Atonement of Baguio City

Baguio City, famously known as the “Summer Capital of the Philippines” due to its cold climate and its breathtaking sceneries that draw tourists from different parts of the country and the world. One of the most imposing landmarks of the city is the famed Cathedral of Our Lady of the Atonement, more popularly known as Baguio Cathedral, the seat of the Diocese of Baguio and the devotion to Our Lady of the Atonenment.

Devotion to Our Lady of the Atonement, the titular Patroness of Baguio Cathedral, played a significant role in the Catholic faith in Baguio City as its silent witness to the history and development of the Summer Capital of the Philippines. The devotion to Our Lady of the Atonement is deeply rooted in the history and culture of Baguio City as it served as a testament to the strong Catholic faith of the people of Baguio City and their dedication to Our Lady.

The visage of Baguio’s Loving Queen

Our Lady of the Atonement of Baguio City

The image of the Blessed Virgin Mary as Our Lady of the Atonement is presented wearing a golden crown with a crown of 12 stars. The Virgin wears a red mantle signifies the Precious Blood of Jesus with a blue tunic and a white robe. She holds in her arms the Christ Child who holds a cross in his right hand wearing gold. For this image, the robes are decorated elaborately with an estofado style (The image intricately painted with patterns and motifs to give an illusion of the image wearing an embroidered vestment). The Servant of God Fr. Paul Wattson of Greymoor also explained that the Red color shows “the shedding of the Most Precious Blood that the Atoning Sacrifice was enacted and it is most fitting that she should wear a red mantle accepting our homage and devotion under the title of the Atonement.”

For this image of Our Lady of the Atonement of Baguio, she is carved in the modern Hispano-Filipino style of religious carving taking its’ queue from the modern Sevillano carving. This image appears to be different from the original images of the Virgin under this title, in the American image, she holds the Child Jesus firmly, while in the present Philippine image, her right hand was open, similar to the style of in the famed icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help as is she beckons her children to come near her Son.

The Origin of the title and image

Servant of God Father Paul Wattson of Graymoor

The devotion to Our Lady of the Atonement began when the Servant of God Father Paul Wattson of Graymoor, Founder of the Friars of the Atonement, had a long and deep devotion to the Blessed Mother, and he was the first to invoke her by this title. A former Episcopalian cleric, he had a long and deep devotion to Mary, Mother of Christ and established the Society of Atonement c with Mother Lurana White, who would later established the Rosary League of Our Lady of the Atonement. 

On the title of “Our Lady of the Atonement”, he explained that “the very name “Atonement” is a perpetual reminder of the Cross. Our Lord hanging there in mortal agony; Our Lady standing by, the sword, foretold by Simeon, piercing her heart. This is the central scene in the mystery of the Atonement.” He also believed that her claim to this high title rests most solidly on the fact that she consented to become the Mother of the Redeemer and that she suffered with Jesus during the Passion.

He also gave another meaning of the title which is “At-One-Ment” or unity. Thus the Virgin Mother is our Lady of the At-one-ment, given with his Episcopalian roots, he also hoped that this title would help in praying for the Christian unity of all men in the one fold.

It is because of this work that brought a greater awareness of the devotion to the Episcopalian community. The title became popular common among Anglicans and Anglo-Catholics who have a similar devotion in their Liturgical Traditions that would led to their conversion back to the fold.

In 1919, the title was formally approved by Pope Benedict XV with July 9th as its feast day. On June 14, 1946, the Sacred Congregation of Rites approved the Mass and Office for Our lady of Atonement to be celebrated annually on her feast day.

From America to Baguio City

The Baguio Cathedral of Our Lady of the Atonement, Baguio City

The devotion was introduced to the Philippines when the Cathedral of Our Lady of Atonement was built by the Congregacio Immaculati Cordis Marriae (CICM) Missionaries first as a chapel dedicated to St. Patrick in 1920 initially at the heart of downtown Session Road and later moved to its present location years later.

The Church was consecrated and dedicated to the Our Lady of the Atonement on July 9, 1936. The devotion to Our Lady of the Atonement flourished and one of its recorded miracles was the survival of the Cathedral from the ravages of the Second World War. The Our Lady of the Atonement Cathedral, also known as the Baguio Cathedral, serves as the center of this devotion. The cathedral’s beautiful neo-Gothic architecture and stained-glass windows are a testament to the city’s rich religious heritage.

The first image of Our Lady of the Atonement of Baguio City now enshrined at St. Francis Xavier College Chapel, Baguio City

The first known image of Our Lady of the Atonement of Baguio was brought by the CICM Missionaries yet years later, the image was given to St. Francis Xavier College Chapel in Baguio City where it can still be seen to this day. Over the years, different images of Our Lady of the Atonement were enshrined at the Cathedral, one of them was the de vestir image of the Virgin.

It has been decided to finally create an official image that would be unique to the locality which was materialized in 2023 with a beautifully carved modern Hispano-Filipino looking image with her dressed covered with estofado designs that captured the hearts of devotees with its captivating beauty.

Ecclesiastical Recognition

The Solemn Episcopal Coronation of Our Lady of the Atonement of Baguio City

The beautiful image of Our Lady of the Atonement received the honor of Episcopal Coronation on March 25, 2023, the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary led by the Bishop of Baguio, Most Rev. Victor Bendico, DD.

A special novena was prepared for the solemn occasion and an act of consecration and entrustemtn of the Diocese of Baguio was done after the coronation rites followed by the solemn procession of the newly crowned image of Our Lady of the Atonement of Baguio City throughout the city where the clergy and the devotees walked the streets flanking Baguio City’s Holy Queen.

The devotion at present

The Post Coronation Procession of Our Lady of the Atonement of Baguio City

Devotion to Our Lady of the Atonement is an important aspect of the Catholic faith in Baguio City. Devotees gather at the cathedral to attend Mass, pray the rosary, and participate in other religious activities. The Feast of Our Lady of the Atonement is celebrated every July 9, drawing pilgrims within Baguio, its neighboring provinces and other parts of the country.

The devotion to Our Lady of the Atonement is a cherished tradition in Baguio City, reflecting the deep faith of its people. The devotion also reflects the deep faith of the people of Baguio City, making it an essential part of the city’s cultural identity.

As we conclude this blogpost, we are sharing the prayer in honor of Our Lady of the Atonemnt of Baguio:

Our Lady of the Atonement of Baguio City in front of Baguio Cathedral which was dedicated to Our Lady of the Atonement

We salute you, Holy Mary, Daughter of God the Father, and entreat you to obtain for us a devotion like your own to the most sweet Will of God.

We salute you, Virgin Mother of God and Son, and entreat you to obtain for us such union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus that our own hearts may burn with love of God and an ardent zeal for the salvation of souls.

We salute you, Immaculate Spouse of God the Holy Spirit, and entreat you to obtain for us such yielding of ourselves to the Blessed Spirit, that He may, in all things, direct and rule our hearts and that we may never grieve Him in thought, word or deed. Amen


Aviado, Lutgarda, “Madonnas of the Philippines”, Manlapaz Publishing Co. Quezon City, 1975.

“Celebrating 100 Years of Mary Under the title Our Lady of the Atonement”, Retrieved from https://www.atonementfriars.org/our-lady-of-the-atonement/ on March 20, 2023.

Perlas, Jerome, OSB, “Our Lady of the Atonement”, unpublished manuscript, 2023.

“Our Lady of the Atonement”, Retrieved from https://fatherpaulofgraymoor.org/his_legacy/our_lady_of_the_atonement.html on March 27, 2023.


Ramirez, Earl Daniel


The Baguio Cathedral of Our Lady of the Atonement
Daquioag, Michael
Innocenio, Glen
Perlas, Jerome, OSB
Ramirez, Earl Daniel

Special thanks to Sister Jerome Perlas, OSB and Mr. Earl Daniel Ramirez for the great help to preparing this blogpost dedicated to Our Lady of the Atonement of Baguio City.


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