Santisima Trinidad of Balic-Balic – The Triune Lord of Balic-Balic, Sampaloc, Manila

Santisima Trinidad of Balic-Balic, Sampaloc, Manila

In the quiet yet quaint Balic-Balic, located within the district of Sampaloc, Manila, a historic church has a rich past that spans from its origins as a cemetery chapel in the 1880s to its transformation into a vibrant parish community, shaping the lives of many in this area of Manila under the guidance of the Most Holy Trinity.

In this blog post, we delve into the fascinating history of the Santissima Trinidad of Balic-Balic, Manila, and how the devotion helped shape the community.

The Triune Lord of Balic-Balic

Santisima Trinidad of Balic-Balic, Sampaloc, Manila

The image of Santisima Trinidad of Balic-Balic presents the Post-Tridentine iconography of the Most Holy Trinity where the Our Lord Jesus Christ sits at the right of God the Father while the Holy Spirit hovers at the center stepping on clouds with angels.

In this image, Our Lord Jesus Christ is depicted shirtless, with a red robe draped over His shoulder down to His waist. His head is adorned with Tres Potencias, and He holds the Cross, symbolizing His glorious Resurrection and victory over death. In contrast, God the Father is carved wearing white and gold vestments, with a bearded, semi-bald appearance and a triangle adorning His head which is a symbol of the Holy Trinity. The Holy Spirit hovers at the center, emitting rays of light, completing this powerful representation of the Holy Trinity. The dove became the iconography of the Holy Spirit as the sign of a dove was given to John who had baptized Jesus to signify the truth of the deed, as the dove is an emblem or token of truth and innocence.

The Dogma of the Trinity and God’s three distinct persons is a matter of complete faith and trust that the faithful should take part in showing their love for and faith in the Trinity by praising and giving glory to God.

The beginning of the devotion and the community

The Holy Trinity Parish of Balic-Balic, Sampaloc, Manila

In 1884, the Ayuntamiento de Ciudad de Manila authorized a new cemetery in Sampaloc, Manila, due to the lack of space in the existing cemetery. Fr. Ramon Caviedas selected the highlands of Barrio Balic-Balic for this purpose.

In 1890, a small funerary chapel was built at the new cemetery, accessible only via Calle de Balic-Balic. During the 1896 Revolution, the old cemetery was destroyed, but the new highland cemetery remained intact. However, it became a strategic site during the American invasion and was devastated during the Battle of Balic-Balic in 1899, marking the start of the Philippine-American War.

The Holy Trinity Parish of Balic-Balic, Sampaloc, Manila

The American Health Institute shut down the cemetery in 1913, and by 1925, it was closed. The area was then developed into a community with mansions and urban subdivisions. Parishioners had to travel to the Parish of Nuestra Señora de Loreto in Sampaloc until Archbishop Michael Doherty permitted the chapel’s reconstruction, allowing daily masses from 1925 to 1928.

The new church, Iglesia de Santissima Trinidad, was established in 1932 with significant contributions from parishioners and prominent families. The church featured an image of the Most Holy Trinity and a bell donated by the Legarda family. In 1962, Msgr. Isidro Jose became the parish priest, overseeing the construction of a larger church, expanding the school, and enhancing community engagement through various initiatives, including the Block Rosary and annual parish fiesta committees. Over the years. the church developed as the spiritual needs of the community increased.

The devotion to the Holy Trinity

Santisima Trinidad of Balic-Balic, Sampaloc, Manila

The venerable image of the Santisima Trinidad of Balic-Balic was carved by the famed Talleres Maximo Vicente and donated by Don Basilio J. Murillo in 1932. Silvina de Guzman, born in Balic-Balic in 1919, recalls that her husband, Restituto Villanueva, a painter, assisted in painting the image of the Santisima Trinidad.

A nearly identical image can be found at the Archdiocesan Shrine of the Holy Spirit, also carved by Maximo Vicente. However, the Balic-Balic image is smaller than the Espiritu Santo image because the 1932 altar of the Balic-Balic church was much smaller compared to the larger edifice of the Espiritu Santo church.

Santisima Trinidad of Balic-Balic, Sampaloc, Manila

The devotion to the Holy Trinity in Balic-Balic has been a cornerstone of the community’s spiritual life since its establishment in 1932. This deep reverence for the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit unites parishioners in a shared faith that emphasizes the triune nature of God. The devotion has not only enriched the spiritual lives of the faithful but also fostered a strong sense of community and collective purpose, guiding Balic-Balic through decades of growth and change.

Not long after, a complementary devotion to the Holy Trinity was introduced with the introduction of the image and devotion to Nuestra Señora de la Santisima Trinidad

Nuestra Señora de la Santisima Trinidad de Balic-Balic

A complementary devotion to the Holy Trinity was introduced with the image and devotion to Nuestra Señora de la Santisima Trinidad on August 15, 2006, the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Initiated by Fr. Enrico Martin Adoviso, the parish garden was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary under this title. On August 15, 2018, a decade later, a new altar image of Nuestra Señora de la Santisima Trinidad, carved by Willy Layug, was unveiled and enthroned in the parish.

The devotion today

The Sayaw Santatlo in honor of Santisima Trinidad of Balic-Balic

The devotion to the Holy Trinity of Balic-Balic continues to flourish to this day the community and those outside of Balic-Balic flock to the church to seek help from the Triune God who watches over them. The Feast of the Santisima Trinidad de Balic-Balic is observed every Trinity Sunday at present where the Sayaw Santatlo is performed by the devotees during the procession.

The devotion to the Santisima Trinidad of Balic-Balic beautifully illustrates the enduring faith and unity of its community. The devotion has not only enriched the spiritual lives of the parishioners but has also become a testament to their collective commitment to faith, tradition, and community. Through decades of change, the Balic-Balic Parish remains a beacon of hope and devotion, guiding and inspiring generations of faithful in Balic-Balic.


“Our History”, Retrieved from on May 24, 2024.

“Our Lady of the Blessed Trinity”, Retrieved from on August 1, 2020.

“The 1969 Trinity Church”, Retrieved from on May 24, 2024.

“The 1932 Trinity Novena”, Retrieved from on May 24, 2024.


Museo Santatlo of Holy Trinity Parish, Balic-Balic, Sampaloc, Manila

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